Wednesday, 24 March 2010

New and Last Scott Pilgrim Book EVER AAHHHH !!! OMG !!!!

This it people (those who care) finally the last Scott Pilgrim Book Ever !!! I'm so looking forward to this book ! Will Scott win back Romona from the evil Gideon...he bloody well better !

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Paul 'Otaking' Johnson

This guy is a must see for all Doctor Who fans everywhere. Mr. Johnson here is in the stages of making a Doctor Who animated short, but what's makes this even more awesome, its done in the style of 1980s anime like Robotech otherwise known as Macross.

Here's a link to his deviant art page got some awesome pics of his page.

From what i've been able to gather, this short is going to be in the style of a preview of a next episode, like "Next time on Doctor Who !" I'm really looking forward to the finished product.

I would upload some videos but the computer is playing up, so i'll have to try again later.