Friday, 23 October 2009


I Found that John K, was a huge influence on me during the Model Sheet Project.
I found my self watching more and more of Ren and Stimpy during the course of the Project. Not really copying his style exactly I'd feel as if i was plagiarizing his work, if I did that. No I took elements of his work and started adapting them into my own work, which in turn became Chester. Chester's facial expressions sheet, is where you can see John K's influence in some of Chesters more... extreme expressions.

Chester Model Sheets

Here's my Character Sheets of Chester The Pill Popping Schizophrenic Office Worker from my previous project!
That project was pretty awesome, I drew the character in a different style than i normally would, getting out of my comfort zone, so to speak. I think because this character turned out so well, that I will stick to this sort of character style, but also expand and develop it.

Friday, 9 October 2009

Blog, The First

Yo first blog awsome, HA !!!